Delos Series – The Villains

Delos Series Villains

Valdrin Rasari

He is 45 years old with black hair, brown eyes and 6’0”,190 pounds. He’s Albanian born but lives in Malbania (make-believe), a small European country situated between Macedonia and Albania. Malbania exists between two major lakes, Ohrid Lake and Lake Prespa. It is a small country like Luxemburg. He is a billionaire businessman, dealing in oil, minerals, fabric and steel mills. He was married to Lule (means ‘blossom’ in Albanian) but she died during childbirth, giving him his one son, Agon.

Valdrin’s dark side: He is a sociopath and one of the most prominent of all sex traffickers in Europe with major sex trafficking networks around the world. He comes off smooth, silky and smiling all the time but everyone fears him.

He is left alone in Malbania because it needs the money he pays in taxes to stay afloat. Valdrin hates the Culver Family. His son, Agon, was with Rastagar Sharan in Afghanistan when he was killed, along with Rastagar, by Delta Force Sgt. Matt Culver. Agon was only 21 when he died and had just begun to learn the ropes of the opium trade. Valdrin swears vengeance against the Delos charities and the entire Culver family from Turkey, America and Greece. He sends out mercenaries to disrupt their charities no matter what country it is in and would like nothing better than to kidnap any of the children of the far flung shipping family to  punish them for Agon’s death.

Zakir Sharan

He is 45 years old with black hair, brown eyes and 5’9”, 150 pounds. Zakir is a billionaire, born in Multan, in the Punjab province of Pakistan. He is married to Nusheen, 30 years old, with black hair and brown eyes. She is the mother of Zakir’s son Sidiq. Sidiq, along with Zakir’s other son, Raastagar, are in Al-Qaeda. Zakir’s father, Amjad Sharan, 65, is an international sex-slave distributor. Sidiq is killed by Talia Culver, a US Marine Corps sniper, as he crosses the Pakistan border into Afghanistan. Raastagar is killed by Delta Force operators in Afghanistan. Zakir is grieving, having lost his two beloved sons and is out for revenge to make both families hurt as much as he is.