October 2014 eBook Releases
The following books will be released on September 16, 2014.

Purchase No Quarter Given at the following locations:
Google Play
No Quarter Given, Book 1
Original publication date: May 1981
U.S. Naval graduate Dana Coulter had one dream to earn her wings Yet from the moment she clashed with her handsome new flight instructor, she felt hopelessly grounded.
Lieutenant Griff Tucotte bullied, browbeat and awoke a hungry passion in her that was impossible to deny. But the jaded fighter pilot was convinced Dana didn’t have what it took to make it in the tough Navy world. Until the day she risked her life in an act of heroism that captured her heart for all time…
WOMEN OF GLORY series. Dana Coulter, Maggie Donovan and Molly Rutledge–three daring, valiant Women of Glory. Fighting for life and country against impossible odds in the name of friendship, honor–and love. Book one, No Quarter Given; Book two, The Gauntlet; Book three, Under Fire.
AUTHOR COMMENT: Remember? This was 1981? When women had to fight every inch of the way to be allowed into the military male bastion? I remember breaking down doors in many ways as a woman throughout my life. And I wanted to celebrate the strength and intelligence of women by creating this military romantic suspense series. I also turned to my own experience as a pilot–by the way, I got my student pilot’s license at seventeen years old when I was a junior in high school–to add authenticity to the flight scenes. Women can do it all and I was at the forefront of pushing and cheering women on who were going into the military to break down doors that men had closed to them.
I know nowadays it seems like women in the military, in combat slots or where ever they want to be, is the norm. But believe me, it wasn’t in the 1980’s or before that. I know. I was there. And so were a lot of my sister military vets who took it on the nose to push boundaries and demand the right to do what the ‘big boys’ did. We finally won each pitch battle and today, women are showing up men as pilots. No longer are Apache combat helicopter slots going to just men. Nope, there’s a breed of woman out there that’s just as good as any man. Most likely, better, because women have to perform to a higher standard in order to be accepted by their male peers in the military.

Purchase The Gauntlet at the following locations:
Google Play
The Gauntlet, Book 2
Original publication date: June 1991
Family tradition deemed Molly Rutledge should excel in the Navy. Yet sensitive Molly was all at sea when faced with competitive jet jocks at flight-engineer school–especially steely Captain Cameron Sinclaire. The sexy widower and the lovely ensign were drawn together like magnets but Cam doubted Molly would last… Still, he couldn’t help taking her under his wing–even though putting Molly through her paces was making his heart run the gauntlet!
WOMEN OF GLORY series. Dana Coulter, Maggie Donovan and Molly Rutledge–three daring, valiant Women of Glory. Fighting for life and country against impossible odds in the name of friendship, honor–and love. Book one, No Quarter Given; Book two, The Gauntlet; Book three, Under Fire.
AUTHOR COMMENT: This is a book where the hero and heroine are both in the military…the US Navy. Flight engineers and test pilots go hand-in-hand. I utilized my knowledge of aviation to craft this book. This was an era where women in the military were stepping gladly out of their traditional bound roles and moving into new areas always dominated and ruled by men. There weren’t a whole lot of women engineers (there still aren’t in 2013!!) and Molly Rutledge gives new meaning to being blond and blowing male stereotypes to hell. She’s got an engineer’s mind even if she IS a woman.

Purchase Under Fire at the following locations:
Google Play
Under Fire, Book 3
Original publication date: July 1991
Brash, independent Navy pilot Maggie Donovan never dreamed her career–or her heart–would come under fire But when she teamed up with sinfully sexy Wes Bishop, Maggie had met her match. From the first, Wes was enraptured with the fiery Maggie…and he suspected there was a wealth of womanly tenderness within her just waiting to be tapped. Yet when heart-stopping danger put them both to the test, Wes realized Maggie’s courage and passion reached beyond his wildest imaginings…
When mining engineer Cat Kincaid was trapped in a cave-in, it was the gentle bullying Slade Donovan who talked her through the terrifying hours until her rescue. And it was slyly masterful Slade Donovan who spirited her home to his Texas ranch to heal.
WOMEN OF GLORY series. Dana Coulter, Maggie Donovan and Molly Rutledge–three daring, valiant Women of Glory. Fighting for life and country against impossible odds in the name of friendship, honor–and love. Book one, No Quarter Given; Book two, The Gauntlet; Book three, Under Fire.
AUTHOR COMMENT: I loved writing about Maggie. I used my own aviation background, as well as my military background for this story. Maggie is a real risk taker and Wes is the kind of man that is not threatened by a woman who goes for the brass ring. Maggie is the pilot of the F-14 Tomcat and Wes is her RIO, who sits in the back seat. They are a terrific couple, showing that men and women can not only get along in the military, but work off their strengths instead of their weaknesses.