Wind River Protector – Andy Whitcomb

From Wind River Protector by Lindsay McKenna, Book 8, Wind River Valley Series

Andrea (Andy) Whitcomb is an adopted child of Maud and Steve Whitcomb, owners of the Wind River Ranch. In the Air Force, she was an A-10 combat jet pilot, keeping soldiers safe in Afghanistan. When she has to bail out over enemy territory, it is Army Lieutenant Dev Mitchell, who also crashed his helicopter. Together, they run and hide for five days together, trying to outwit the Taliban, hot on their trail. The harrowing experience causes Andy to leave the service and she then turns to helicopter and fighting wildfires across the Western United States as a civilian. Eventually, she yearns for her family and home. Little did she know that the man who helped her escape the enemy, would show up in her life as she applies for a local job at the Wind River Regional Airport!

Dev Mitchell never forgot those five days with Captain Andrea Whitcomb. Together, using their brains and knowledge, they outrun the Taliban who wants to capture them. He is a first generation American citizen, his family from Galway Bay, Ireland. Flying a Black Hawk helo in war torn Afghanistan, he leaves the Army a year after the near capture experience. Eventually, he lands a job as an assistant manager of a wildfire unit housed at the Wind River Regional Airport. And the woman who applies for a job as a pilot, is Andrea Whitcomb!

Sometimes love shows up in the oddest and quirkiest ways. Now, Andy and Dev have a second chance. Will they take it?

Dear Readers,

I usually write about what I’ve experienced in real life. For example, I was a volunteer firefighter for three years in Ohio. I handled plenty of wildfires that happened every spring in northeast Ohio where we lived. Because of that, I wanted my readers to know more about the air war to put out these wildfires. And, having my EMT license in the 1990s, I can always reach into my training and education, plus experience, to bring it to the foreground when needed.

Andy Whitcomb feels rudderless in her life right now. We have ALL had that moment when it happens to us. We’re not sure what we want, not satisfied with the present, and want to change it into something we can passionately leap into that is soul satisfying. She’s at that point.

Dev Mitchell has found his niche in flying a helicopter. He lucks out when his boss goes to Wind River Regional Airport to take over a flying ambulance company. Dev is more than happy to become the assistant manager. He needs a backwater place where it’s quiet, to give his stressful lifestyle a final farewell.

Second chances in life are given to all of us. Whether we make the most of it or not, is up to each of us. Follow Andy and Dev’s coming together once more under less dangerous circumstances. Let’s see if they have the courage to love instead of once more walking away.